Art Under the Elms

A Day of Art and Creativity
on the Castine Town Common
Saturday, July 26, 2025

Event Details

This event is being sponsored by the Trinitarian Congregational Parish of Castine, to benefit our Community, Care & Outreach Programs, which help our neighbors experiencing food insecurity and provide direct support for neighbors in need of help with fuel bills, electric bills, rent or housing.

We will be offering summer appetizers, cool summer beverages and more. Admission will be FREE.

Event Guidelines:

  • Deadline: Applications will be accepted through June 1, 2025.
  • All vendors will be notified of acceptance no later than June 10, 2025.
  • We accept all major credit cards or visit our website, TRINITARIAN CONGREGATIONAL PARISH OF CASTINE and click the Donate button. Also checks may be mailed to TCPOC, P.O. Box 108, Castine, Maine, 04421.
  • The entrance fee is $125 with a deposit of $50 due at time of Application. A bill will be emailed in mid-May to accepted Applicants and must be paid by June 15th. A refund will be given to Applications not accepted immediately upon review of artisans photos.
  • The show is limited to Painting, Mixed Media, Jewelry, Graphics/Drawing, Photography, Art Glass, & Sculpture. Unfortunately we are unable to accept any pottery or ceramics.
  • Each space is required to be professional in appearance. An 8-foot table will be included in the Registration fee and 10 x 10 space will be made available. Displays must be able to withstand wind and weather conditions and must be securely weighed down if you are providing your own tent (which should not exceed 10 feet in height). The event is on a gently sloping grassy area on the Castine Town Common.
  • Electricity is NOT provided. WIFI signal is strong enough to support transactions.
  • Each exhibitor is responsible for his /her own property in the event of loss, damage or personal injury and is asked to keep space clean. All participants are required to have insurance to participate (proof may be required).
  • Set up Time: After 7 A.M. Saturday morning. Once set up vehicles must be moved to designated parking area. Take down will be after the event closes at 4 P.M.
  • The show is open to all entrants, regardless of race, color, creed, sexual orientation or national origin. Artists must manage their own booths. The majority of work be originals; reproductions must be numbered. No booth may display or sell work that is not created by the artist who is present. Sizes of paintings must not exceed 16 x 20.
  • Spaces may not be sublet or sold to other artists. Participants must exhibit during scheduled hours of the show.
  • If you would like to donate an item to the Silent Auction it would be most appreciated.
  • By applying for this event you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
  • The event will happen rain or shine. In the event of inclement weather, we have a large tent to shelter participants.


July is the perfect month to host Art Under The Elms in our charming town of Castine. With Castine's close proximity to Acadia National Park, its significance as a tourist destination in its own right, and with strategic marketing, the event will attract an enthusiastic audience. We will publicize the event on social media, and advertise in local newspapers, including: Castine Patriot, the Blue Hill Weekly Packet, Stonington/Deer Isle Island Ad-Vantages, Ellsworth American and The Bangor Daily News. The Maine Craft Association website will feature this event, as will Our event will be listed in 'Coming Events' in Down East Magazine and on the Maine Tourism Association events calendar. Posters & rack cards will be distributed throughout Hancock, Waldo, and Penobscot Counties.

Thank you and if you have questions, please call 978-500-6651 or email at